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Curate your life

by Crista Castellanos

Curate your life. Make it a habit. Choose what is really important to you. What gives you authentic joy, personal growth, emotional health? In this current times, personal energy reserves are essential. What does it mean to curate your life and how to do it? Guiding questions at the end of the article.

Curating your life means that your “no’s” belong to you as much as your “yes’s”. Pleasing other people is not more important than your well-being. Curating your life means really listening your self when making decisions. If you want to do something you do it, if you don’t want to, you don’t. Sacrificing your joy to please others has nothing to do with self-care.

But how do you know if you are exceeding your own boundaries? If, more than once, you have regretted going to a place when you didn’t want to. If you have felt exhausted by sharing your time with x person, and you have told yourself: Oh, I knew it! There you go! You are not respecting yourself. Yes, those are sentences I have said to myself and I have heard countless times in my astrological consultations. We grew up in a context where, due to imitation and approval seeking, we learn to listen other’s opinions even before listening our own. But well, as it is a matter of practice and repetition, we can also develop the ability to truly listen to ourselves.

Make of this simple question: “Is this really something I want to do?”, a habit.

In the same way that you strengthen a new friendship, you can strengthen the ability to listen your own intuition. Find below a few practical tips to curate your life. This Mercury retrograde and both, Taurus and Scorpio eclipses, are the perfect occasion. Cleanse and detox time. What areas of your life will you curate? It depends on where you have Scorpio in your natal chart. If you want to know more about it, click here.

Curate your personal space. Ask yourself:

Does this space reflect my inner state?

What is the meaning and function, practical and/or emotional, of the objects in here?

What am I holding on to, why, and what can I let go of?

Curate your relationships. Ask yourself about its purpose. For example:

Based on what values do I decide who is part of my personal life?

What are my social circles and based on what values am I building them?

How do I empower my friends? How do they empower me?

Curate the path to your life direction:

What are my professional goals and how are they connected to a service that goes beyond myself?

How my daily activities connect with my soul purposes?

Is what I read, write, share really aligned with my soul purpose?

Curating, as sculpting, involves revealing the soul of a thing through the simplification of its form. Why couldn’t we do the same with our lives?

Curate your life. Make it a habit from time to time. Maybe we can’t “control” who or what enters our lives, but we can decide why and for how long it stays. In the same way, we cannot “control” every thought in our mind, however, we can consciously choose which ones we get hooked on and which ones we give flight to.


Words and images by Crista.

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